This weekend I was playing around with defining an animation DSL.

I've wanted to play this for a while after watching @davesmith00000's interview for "Scala for Fun & Profit" and @kubukoz Playdate talk. Everyone's doing DSLs for gamedev! 😄

It's still quite rough, but I think it's useful for things like menu animations. Maybe I'll use something like this in the next GameJam entry to add a bit more juice to the menus.

This example looks like this:

  val backgroundAnimation = {
    linear(0, 512, 10.0).loop
      .map(delta => (delta.toInt, delta.toInt))

  val baloonAnimation = {
    val rotation =
      (linear(-Math.PI / 32, Math.PI / 32, 1.0) >> linear(Math.PI / 32, -Math.PI / 32, 1.0)).rotate
    val beat =
      (easeOut(1.2, 0.9, 0.5) >> easeIn(0.9, 1.0, 0.1)).scaleXY

    (rotation && beat)

  val textAnimation = {
    val rotation =
      (easeIn(-Math.PI / 32, Math.PI / 32, 1.0) >> easeIn(Math.PI / 32, -Math.PI / 32, 1.0)).rotate
    val beat =
      (easeIn(1.3, 0.9, 0.5) >> easeIn(0.8, 1.0, 0.1)).scaleXY

    (rotation && beat)


Playing around with flow fields again.

Turns out it's easier to have an image dissolving than to draw the flow field. The code for this effect was surprisingly small.

It's a shame that he video compression destroyed the effect, but I think it's good enough to imagine what it looks like.😅


I wanted to play a bit more with transparencies on a more game-like scenario, so I did a very small side scroller demo like a space shooter intro segment where the planet is being destroyed.

I think it turned out quite nice, almost looks like a real game.😛

Also, I recently played the Europa demo, and that made me really want to do something with a fade to white... I use too much fade to black.



Took a quick break from InterIm development to work on Minart.

Finally got transparencies to work, and the performance doesn't seem that bad. I can get multiple moving particles on the screen with no problems.🙂

To be honest, I picked this up now because I spent way too much time searching for bitmap fonts without transparency for my InterIm demos. That's a thing of the past now.


This weekend I was playing around with InterIm to try out some new features (asRefs macro) and some old ones that were not really tested (custom render ops), so I decided to build a drum machine! 🎵

The API could still use some improvements, but this is getting to an almost usable state. 🙂

Font: Spleen by Frederic Cambus ( Drum Samples: Free Pipe Pack by Goldbaby (

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