I've been seeing a lot of discussions in Portugal regarding https://expresso.pt/sociedade/2024-01-11-Exodo-tem-um-impacto-brutal-30-dos-jovens-nascidos-em-Portugal-vivem-fora-do-pais-6b42d39c (article in PT - 30% of Portuguese aged between 15 and 39 are emigrants)
I was a bit curious about this, but apparently the study was not yet released and the closest thing I could find was https://diasporafordevelopment.eu/interactive-map/, which I'm not sure how up to date it is and doesn't seem to provide any tables.
So I just scrapped the data and generated a markdown table, in case someone is curious about this kind of stuff: https://gist.github.com/JD557/22ee5494ce99af696e1fda5747eef18e
That gist also provides the raw JSON data that I used and a #Scala CLI script to generate a CSV, in case you want to do some further analysis.