@NicolasRinaudo Ouch, hope you can work something out. Everything is very stupid at the moment.
@tpolecat I'm not yet out of a job and to be honest, the management I'm in contact with (so many layers of management here!) is being surprisingly helpful. They're literally doing everything they can, but it's unclear whether there's anything they can actually do.
@NicolasRinaudo @JD557 @tpolecat
a lot of "return to office" are also just way to get cheap layoffs, and to impose compulsion, reminding that you have to follow stupid orders to be part of the team. Hope it's not just that.
I hope you will find a way, and I wish the best outcome for you
Oh look, a return to the office mandate, and my office is... in a different country.
This feels like I might be on the market for a job soon.